Joining Ansible Team at Red Hat

tl;dr “It is with great pleasure that I announce I am joining the Ansible team at Red Hat as Principal Product Marketing Manager.” In The Beginning… In 1998, I was working at a dial-up ISP in Hickory, NC. We were heavily invested in Windows and needed to reduce costs and increase speed. My CEO at the time had the foresight to know that Linux was the future. She hired two engineers to transform the business into a Red Hat Linux based ISP....

June 25, 2018 · 5 min · Chris Short

User Management with Ansible

The contents of this article originally appeared on DZone A few weeks ago, one of my DevOps counterparts was working on building out a new environment for one of our applications. This deployment included a new Puppet server (we are in an orchestration/configuration management state of flux) and my teammate was having some issues provisioning users (I did not ask why nor did I really care). My teammate asked if I could help with some Ansible knowledge....

September 27, 2016 · 3 min · Chris Short

Ansible lineinfile be damned

The Ansible lineinfile module is designed to search a file for a line, and ensure that it is present or absent. lineinfile is very effective at that particular task. However, when the line has to be in a certain place or before or after a certain line, lineinfile becomes a hassle to manage. Most people on IRC (#ansible) tend to agree, lineinfile is not a very good module in practice. Even Brain Coca says to avoid the lineinfile module....

September 6, 2016 · 4 min · Chris Short

Got Badlock? Ansible Can Help

Badlock might not be bad for all. If you are using Ansible you can patch your systems with a single playbook (or ad hoc command). For RPM based OS users Badlock (samba) patching is as easy as: ansible -m shell -a "yum update *samba*" all Or you can be very granular and use an Ansible Playbook to audit and patch samba packages: --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: Check if samba packages are installed shell: "yum list installed *samba* | awk '!...

April 12, 2016 · 1 min · Chris Short

Grep Multiple Ansible Vault Files

Here’s a handy one-liner to grep multiple Ansible Vault files (like group_vars). All you need is an Ansible Vault password file (outside of your configuration repo, please) and a little bash. ls -1 | while read N ; do echo -n $N: ; ansible-vault --vault-password-file ~/.ansible_vault view $N | grep <STRING> ; done

September 22, 2015 · 1 min · Chris Short