2021 Learnings, 2022 Expectations

Photo by Aaron Burden from Pexels It’s been one of the more challenging years of my life for many reasons. Please allow me the space to do some healing in this intro. I promise the juicy tech bits are a header away. If 2020 was hell on earth (which, while close, wasn’t quite there), 2021 asked us all to hold our collective beverages. Vaccines and boosters aside, the pandemic was a staunch obstacle to tackle along with every decision. A thorn in the side of everything at this point, we tried to live as normal a life as a family can that has young, unvaccinated children amongst us. But, how do you reduce human interaction in a world that needs more humans to be human to each other? We have to figure out the answer to this question. In the face of a pandemic, government spending buoyed the economy here in the United States. Abroad other nations took stock and saw a world where everyone looked after themselves first. I am relieved that adults have returned to the White House, but I fear it might be short-lived given the stalling in Washington DC the past few weeks. ...

January 8, 2022 · Chris Short

Desk Setup, January 2021

There’s a metaphor out there that you should write about it if you say, are asked, or explain something more than three times. Since we’ve started OpenShift.tv, I cannot count how many times folks ask about my setup. I’ve wanted to write this article since last October. But, things hadn’t stabilized. For example, I’ve broken about half a dozen mic arms since May 2020 (of ALL price ranges). I also knew I would be moving operations from our unfinished basement up two stories to our guest bedroom (now my office). I wanted to make sure the setup was durable. I’ve proven it’s portable as I’ve helped produce remote meetings for my son Max’s school. But now is the time to write this up. Why? Because I need a reference! ...

January 31, 2021 · Chris Short

2020 Learnings, 2021 Expectations

We’ve all had challenging years before. However, none were quite as challenging as in 2020. In the conclusion of last year’s post, I wrote, “I am hopeful that whatever economic upheaval we face as a society in 2020 is limited.” At that time, economic indicators were bubble-ish. However, a global pandemic was not something I had in the cards. No one did. A global pandemic, international protests against horrific injustices, and a US government damn near inept at helping with any of it. These events led to the largest voter turnout in this nation’s history. Hopefully, this will change our path and put the country back on track. ...

December 30, 2020 · Chris Short

Live streaming on OpenShift.tv and some lessons learned

This post intends to share what I’ve been up to the past couple of months. Also, what it’s like to be live streaming on OpenShift.tv. We’ve been in a startup mode for over two months now. We’ve been on air for a almost two months. I’ve learned so much. I want to share some lessons learned along the way. Live streaming is a hot topic these days due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The topic has been so hot in fact that Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has done two webinars on about live streaming and using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS): ...

June 24, 2020 · Chris Short