Detroit Kubernetes: Kubernetes Cron Jobs

I spoke at Detroit Kubernetes, Docker & all related things about Kubernetes Cron Jobs. The talk was more like an explanation with a demo. My demo skills are non-existent so I needed to build those a little. Overall, the demo went well. But, I feel like the zoom feature in Visual Studio Code needs some work. I ended up in iTerm2 using vim to make up for the oddities VSCode threw at me. All the code for the demo is available here: chrisshort/k8s-cron-job-demo ...

April 30, 2018 · Chris Short

Kubernetes: Cron Jobs

One of the reasons I stood up a Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pis in my house was because of the savings I wanted to gain by not running high-available, redundant infrastructure in the cloud. Kubernetes provides high-availability by design. It’s pretty awesome the possibilities that exist given this capability. Need a web server to constantly run? Build a container and throw it in the Kubernetes cluster. Need a service available all the time? Package it and ship it to the Kubernetes cluster. ...

February 14, 2018 · Chris Short