I prompted Stable Diffusion (Generative AI model) to draw itself. It drew something that's a cross between a robot and an electronic toy you'd give a five-year-old.

Data Deception: OSI's Open Source AI Fallacy

If the current Open Source Initiative’s (OSI) Open Source AI Definition (OSAID) is implemented as is, it could potentially lead to a catastrophe for the open source software community and the OSI itself. The fact that the data doesn’t necessarily have to be reproducible in the draft OSAID is a major concern, paving the way for increased openwashing. Even the NY Times has a page dedicated to openwashing, a clear indication of the significant harm this could inflict....

July 23, 2024 · 3 min · Chris Short
Happy 10th Birthday, Kubernetes | Photo from Kubernetes Contributor Summit San Diego 2019

Kubernetes Likely Saved My Life

Kubernetes and I share something: We were born on June 6th (I didn’t pick the date; I probably would’ve though to take more attention away from me). I’ve contributed to Kubernetes for 70% of its life. Today, Kubernetes turns 10. There are many things I could write about to commemorate this day. It has improved my life (like every other open source project I have worked on) by giving me desirable skills in an emerging space....

June 6, 2024 · 15 min · Chris Short
Shipping containers piled high

Container Conundrum: DevOpsDays Chicago 2022 Open Space Notes

I found a topic that I’m going to suggest for an Open Space at every DevOpsDays I go to from this point forward: “Container Conundrum: Pain points around containers” These notes are presented here without opinion. Distilling these notes into a concise narrative will be the topic for an introduction to an upcoming DevOps’ish newsletter. Please subscribe today! I think the best way to look at these notes is to assume that each bullet point is a pain point....

October 8, 2022 · 3 min · Chris Short

2021 Learnings, 2022 Expectations

Photo by Aaron Burden from Pexels It’s been one of the more challenging years of my life for many reasons. Please allow me the space to do some healing in this intro. I promise the juicy tech bits are a header away. If 2020 was hell on earth (which, while close, wasn’t quite there), 2021 asked us all to hold our collective beverages. Vaccines and boosters aside, the pandemic was a staunch obstacle to tackle along with every decision....

January 8, 2022 · 17 min · Chris Short

2020 Learnings, 2021 Expectations

We’ve all had challenging years before. However, none were quite as challenging as in 2020. In the conclusion of last year’s post, I wrote, “I am hopeful that whatever economic upheaval we face as a society in 2020 is limited.” At that time, economic indicators were bubble-ish. However, a global pandemic was not something I had in the cards. No one did. A global pandemic, international protests against horrific injustices, and a US government damn near inept at helping with any of it....

December 30, 2020 · 16 min · Chris Short