A mint leaf and a burnt match

Life after DevOps'ish

Update (2023-06-23) I’ve created a page on the DevOps’ish site so that you’ll always have the latest access to what I’m sharing out to social media. The DevOps’ish Firehose is available for your regular consumption (Bonus: there’s an RSS feed) In the last issue of DevOps’ish, I stated, “I’m under explicit doctor’s orders to cut stressors out and do things that bring me more joy… I need to stop doing so much.” For this post, “we” could be a combo of myself, my medical team, and my family. We’ve been monitoring many health metrics through many sensors. (Yes, I should put it all in Grafana, but time). ...

February 20, 2023 · Chris Short

Leaving Bankrate

This is the e-mail I sent out this morning to Bankrate folks explaining my decision to leave the company. It’s as much business related as it is personal. I’m displaying it here because I believe in openness and transparency. Fellow Bankraters, Today, after serious consideration, I tendered my resignation as Manager of DevOps at Bankrate. There are a few reasons behind this decision that merit some explanation: I have reached a point in my life where I can take a moment to figure out exactly what it is I want to be when I “grow up.” Life is all about balance. Not being able to take part in significant life events this year has shown me that I need to focus on what matters most to me. It’s time I take a deep breath and determine how best to balance the role of husband, father, and community leader while coping with a permanent, debilitating nerve injury and other issues this position has exposed that I can no longer effectively manage while working at Bankrate. ...

November 13, 2017 · Chris Short

Leaving North Carolina

I have accepted the position as Manager, Infrastructure & Operations at Bankrate in Detroit. Julie, Max, Sunny, and I will begin moving to Michigan in mid-June! I will be leading DevOps efforts as the Bankrate team transitions software stacks and moves from on-premise data centers to the cloud. I am beyond excited about the position and the work I will be doing. Making the decision to leave North Carolina did not come easily. Julie and I have TONS of our history here in NC. We met here, first kiss here, engaged near where I was born here in NC, Max’s first home was here. Max’s name is on the studs in his room under the drywall! We built this house here for us to live in for a long, long time. Some things don’t work out how you expect them to. This opportunity is definitely one of those cases. ...

June 1, 2017 · Chris Short