MacBook Air 15 inch with 1Password logo superimposed

The most annoying 1Password error after Mac Migration

New MacBook Air 15-inch I recently decided to buy one of the new 15" MacBook Air M2 models announced at WWDC this year. Nothing was wrong with my M1 MacBook Air aside from the fact that I’ve always wanted a bigger screen and more RAM. The 15-inch MacBook Air delivers on both fronts with its larger screen. But, only being able to put 24 GB of RAM in the MacBook Air 15-inch shows Apple is scared of a solid Air model cannibalizing the MacBook Pro line. But this blog is about something else. ...

June 17, 2023 · Chris Short
A mint leaf and a burnt match

Life after DevOps'ish

Update (2023-06-23) I’ve created a page on the DevOps’ish site so that you’ll always have the latest access to what I’m sharing out to social media. The DevOps’ish Firehose is available for your regular consumption (Bonus: there’s an RSS feed) In the last issue of DevOps’ish, I stated, “I’m under explicit doctor’s orders to cut stressors out and do things that bring me more joy… I need to stop doing so much.” For this post, “we” could be a combo of myself, my medical team, and my family. We’ve been monitoring many health metrics through many sensors. (Yes, I should put it all in Grafana, but time). ...

February 20, 2023 · Chris Short
Shipping containers piled high

Container Conundrum: DevOpsDays Chicago 2022 Open Space Notes

I found a topic that I’m going to suggest for an Open Space at every DevOpsDays I go to from this point forward: “Container Conundrum: Pain points around containers” These notes are presented here without opinion. Distilling these notes into a concise narrative will be the topic for an introduction to an upcoming DevOps’ish newsletter. Please subscribe today! I think the best way to look at these notes is to assume that each bullet point is a pain point. ...

October 8, 2022 · Chris Short
Green Windows Keyboard

Windows 11: How to Install WSL2 and Linux Distros

I’m not going to lie. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a helpful technology. It’s supposed to have made getting a Linux environment on Windows easier. However, having just tried getting it up and running on the lone Windows box I own, I can confirm it’s a pain to install unless you’re a Windows system administrator or know what you’re doing. The hype for WSL2 appears to have overlooked the user experience. ...

August 18, 2022 · Chris Short

Intro to eBPF

This introduction to eBPF is adapted from the beginning of DevOps’ish 278 I occasionally ask for writing prompts from folks on Twitter for DevOps’ish. Sometimes asking on social media works well. Other times it’s giving someone a good URL and still scratching my head about what to write. But for DevOps’ish 278, the people have spoken. They want to learn more about eBPF. What is eBPF? eBPF (which is no longer an acronym for anything) is a revolutionary technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run sandboxed programs in a privileged context such as the operating system kernel. It is used to safely and efficiently extend the capabilities of the kernel without requiring to change kernel source code or load kernel modules. ...

August 4, 2022 · Chris Short