People think that DevOps, Cloud Native, Agile, GROWS, etc. are all rainbows and roses. You start small, work your way up or you decide as an organizational unit to change.

These are two patterns associated with a Jedi-type maturation process of DevOps. Like in Star Wars, DevOps has a dark side.

This talk by Chris Short of Red Hat provides examples of successful and failed DevOps transformations, as well as some lessons learned along the way.

Slides: DevNationFederal: DevOps is Not War

Download as MP4

Source: DevNation Federal 2018 - DevOps is Not War

If you'd like to have me speak at your conference, Meetup, podcast, webinar, live stream, etc. please send me a message. Thank you!

Here's a current list of ready to go CFPs and/or abstracts that I can speak to at a moments notice.