Fear and Loathing in YAML

This post was originally written as the introduction to DevOps’ish 188, has been modified based on feedback, and deemed worthy to share as its own blog post. Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels We kinda went down a rabbit hole the other day when I suggested folks check out yq, “The aim of the project is to be the jq or sed of yaml files.” First, there’s nothing wrong with this project. I like it, I find the tool useful, and that’s that. But the great debate started over our lord and savior, YAML. Yeah, I know, XML vs. JSON vs. YAML vs. TOML vs. the next thing is a tired and old debate. ...

October 21, 2020 · Chris Short

The Secret to Kubernetes Secrets

I made an innocent comment on Twitter last week that led to WAY more feedback than I was expecting. The Kubernetes community showed me there are a lot of options when creating Kubernetes Secrets. I made the statement: Every single time I have to create a secret, I have to read the docs. I should have this figured out by now." Years ago, a colleague asked Albert Einstein if he knew his phone number. The rebuttal was short and rather Einsteinian, “Never memorize something that you can look up.” So when a reminder of how “Memorization is an anti-pattern.” came up during the conversation about Kubernetes Secrets, I was quite relieved. ...

May 28, 2019 · Chris Short