DevOps 101

This talk has been deprecated and remains for reference Abstract With the need to build, test and release software more rapidly, frequently and reliably the concept of DevOps has never been more popular, and to a degree, more misunderstood. DevOps skills are consistently highly sought after and in huge demand, yet at the same time little education and training is available in both the professional world and in higher education. ...

February 28, 2018 · Chris Short

Testing Certificate Chains in Go

This talk was derived from an article I wrote in April 2017, Golang to the rescue: Saving DevOps from TLS turmoil. Presented at GopherCon 2017 as a Lightning Talk. Source for the talk is available on GitHub. Introduction Notes: Hi! I’m Chris! I manage do X at Y (we’re hiring) I work in the DevOps space I contribute content a few places I run a DevOps Newsletter called DevOps’ish if you’re into those please check it out This talk was derived from an article I wrote in April 2017 But Most Importantly ...

July 22, 2017 · Chris Short

"Good SysAdmin to DevOps Engineer in Six Months"

The other day my Vice President asked me a question, “What would it take to turn a good SysAdmin into a DevOps engineer?” He followed it up with, “Don’t spend more than ten minutes thinking about it.” He was not disappointed when I told him the next day I am spending way more than ten minutes on answering the question. This is a hard question for me to answer. This is a question that you won’t know if your answer is right for at least six months. ...

May 11, 2017 · Chris Short
MacBook Pro on Desk

My Mac OS X Setup Guide

I happen to be someone that finds themselves setting up new systems for myself often. I have to remind myself there are tools that I need installed before the scenario in which I need to use them (on an airplane, during a crisis, etc.). I use a Mac so this list of software and setup is going to be very Mac OS X centric. From the web: Google Chrome Evernote - My brain lives here Google Drive - I keep some .files (dot files) here iTerm - My Terminal of choice Shuttle - Super awesome ssh config menu creator Little Snitch - I don’t trust any one or any code Shimo - Need to use more than one VPN? Shimo is for you GPG Tools MySQL Workbench - When you login to a MySQL server and say, “WTF?!?” you might want a GUI as a safety Witch - CMD + TAB will never be the same Spectacle - Position your windows where you want them Skitch - Screeenshot tool that saves to Evernote Dropbox CleanMyMac - I use this to uninstall software and clear caches (among other things) DaisyDisk - Find wasted disk Wireshark Postman Mercurial VirtualBox Vagrant SourceTree - I am using this less and less these days but still want it around Firefox Chrome Canary Firefox Developer Edition Safari Technology Preview Telegram VLC ...

June 8, 2016 · Chris Short

GNU sed on Mac OS X

Like a lot of systems folks I use sed, a lot. It is probably an unhealthy amount of sed use but so be it. I operate on a lot of Linux servers but my desktop environment of choice is Mac OS X which means BSD tools (not the Linux-y GNU tools). The differences are relatively subtle between BSD sed and GNU sed. However, most of my work is done through iTerm (a literal black box). I frequently find myself diving down rabbit holes and I really do not want to have to remember the differences between BSD and GNU sed. I want the same sed everywhere so I compile GNU sed on Mac OS X: ...

June 1, 2016 · Chris Short