Webinar: KubeVirt - Beyond Containers: Coming full circle back to VMs!

In this webinar we will introduce KubeVirt and what VMs with K8s mean for you. We’ll explore: The architecture of KubeVirt Key use cases where you can already take advantage of Kubevirt to manage legacy applications – Windows apps included! – alongside Kubernetes ‘Gotchas’, tricks and things to be aware of for different implementations How KubeVirt compares with other virtualization frameworks Future of KubeVirt, related projects, and where to start We will show a demo of an application that is comprised of VMs, Containers, an RDBMS and a LoadBalancer-type Service....

September 12, 2019 · 1 min · Chris Short

Webinar: Monitoring Kubernetes Workloads: The Sidecar Pattern

Kubernetes has entirely changed the way we build our infrastructure, enabling organizations to ship more changes faster. But, with all that speed comes challenges — containers introduce a non-trivial level of complexity when it comes to maintaining visibility into your infrastructure. Just as Kubernetes has required us to rethink how we build and deploy our applications, so too must we rethink the traditional approach to monitoring. In this webinar, Sensu CEO and co-founder Caleb Hailey will review some of the existing and popular patterns for monitoring Kubernetes (like Prometheus), and what gaps remain outstanding, especially when it comes to monitoring the applications running on Kubernetes....

June 13, 2019 · 1 min · Chris Short

Webinar: The future of how Ansible content is handled

Currently, the official Ansible Engine release process is the only way for users to utilize or consume new content easily. The Ansible community has begun the journey of providing our users with more flexibility to create and consume content. In this webinar, we’ll discuss where this journey started, where we are currently, and where we would like some feedback. Download as MP4 Here's a current list of ready to go CFPs and/or abstracts that I can speak to at a moments notice....

June 13, 2019 · 1 min · Chris Short

What the Military Taught Me About DevOps Graphic Recording

I presented my What the Military Taught Me About DevOps talk to a large crowd at DevOpsDays Toronto 2018. Off to the side of the stage was Ashton from Minds Eye Creative. A beautiful piece of art was created from my talk and I cannot thank the DevOpsDays Toronto organizers enough for it.

June 11, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short
Gopher Art Always Courtesy of [Ashley McNamara](https://github.com/ashleymcnamara/gophers)

Baltimore Go June Meeting - Go to the Rescue: Saving DevOps from TLS Turmoil

I was in the DC metro area when I received an e-mail about the Baltimore Go Meetup happening on June 5th. Since I was nearby, I decided to go ahead and RSVP to the event. I mentioned this on Twitter and shortly thereafter Johnny Boursiquot wondered if I could speak. Of course I said yes. I was already doing a talk that morning at DevNationFederal. What’s another talk in the evening?...

June 8, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short