Moving to Linux - Partitioning

After deciding to make the move to Linux, determining that my hardware is compatible with Linux, and after picking a Linux distro it’s time to decide how to partition my hard drive. Unlike Microsoft Windows where one partition is usually the case, Linux users agree that a few partitions should be made for certain paths that Linux uses. I’ve done some research on the Linux Directory Structure and that would be very helpful information to read before continuing if you’re not too familiar with Linux already....

May 11, 2003 · 7 min · Chris Short

Moving to Linux - Picking a Distribution

After deciding to move to Linux and determining that my hardware is compatible with Linux, it’s time to pick a Linux distribution. Choosing the right distribution for you is exactly that. You have to choose the right distribution for YOU. There is no one size fits all Linux distro. You have to think about what you’re looking for in a Linux distro and essentially rule out the ones that won’t fit you....

May 10, 2003 · 9 min · Chris Short

Moving to Linux - Hardware Compatibility

The first step when preparing for the move to Linux is to make sure that your hardware is compatible. It requires a great deal of research when you get very specific (as I did). For example, I have a Logitech QuickCam Express and I wanted to make sure it would work with the latest Linux kernel. Well initially one would say, “Well it’s USB 1.1 it should work in Linux, no problem....

April 29, 2003 · 11 min · Chris Short

Moving to Linux

Like a lot of people, I for one am tired of playing Microsoft’s silly little game. Update this, patch that, buy our new operating system that turns out to be nothing but a glorified service pack. I’ve had it with Microsoft and the money pit that corporation has created. The sheer cost of staying up to date with Windows 2000 or Windows XP (Home or Professional) and Microsoft Office is, by itself, reason enough to look at other operating systems....

April 24, 2003 · 5 min · Chris Short

Microsoft and Open Source

For the past year or so Microsoft has repeatedly said no to Open Source and more recently after numerous attempts to say no has opened up some of its source code to various businesses and governments. Imagine a world where Microsoft Windows and Office were totally open. That’s not likely; so let’s imagine a world where Microsoft made its products a little more open. What do you think would happen if Microsoft kept its kernel under wraps and released just its GUI out to the world as Open Source?...

March 6, 2003 · 5 min · Chris Short