Three images that represent who Chris Short is

A getting to know you exercise

In November, I went down to Raleigh to meet my team for planning meetings and team building. For a few of my teammates, this is our first face to face interaction with each other ever. My boss wisely gave us a relatively simple assignment. Create a slide sharing what we’ve done this year and want to do next year (which I’ll share to an extent in a later post). Create another slide listing three things that make us who we are (born in a unique place, grew up on a farm, etc.) and three things we’re professionally known for. The assignment seemed simple enough, but it turned out to be way better than I thought it would be. It fostered a shared knowledge amongst the group about each other that I think others could benefit from using potentially. ...

December 20, 2019 · Chris Short
IBM to acquire Red Hat for $34 Billion (with a B)

One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish Sporting New Red Hat

Since Sunday afternoon, I’ve been in a whirlwind of meetings, discussions, and calls about IBM’s plan to acquire Red Hat for $34 billion. My mind has been racing but, after some consideration, I’ve decided to share my thoughts as a narrative timeline. Trust me when say that I have given this format considerable thought. It is likely the safest way (regulatory-wise) to deliver my thoughts on the topic. I would like to point out that I have updated my disclaimer and this site’s terms. My views do not reflect those of my employer or entities I’m affiliated with. Names are withheld for obvious reasons. ...

November 2, 2018 · Chris Short
Image from [](

The Importance of Psychological Safety

I have mentioned this a few times in various talks, on social media, and in my newsletter; the importance of psychological safety in creating effective teams is often overlooked. Google did an enormous amount of research to determine, “the secrets of effective teams at Google.” Code-named Project Aristotle, Google wanted to nail down, once and for all, what factors contributed to team effectiveness. The number one contributor to team effectiveness at Google was surprising at the time; psychological safety. “Psychological safety refers to an individual’s perception of the consequences of taking an interpersonal risk.” This is a mind bending idea but, it has real impact on a team’s ability to perform and innovate. Let’s analyze an example in my own work life of creating this psychological safety. ...

August 8, 2018 · Chris Short

DevOps Hiring Guide

The DevOps Community and The Enterprisers Project teamed up to create the quintessential guide to hiring for DevOps talent. I contributed the Introduction and the article, “DevOps hiring strategies to attract top talent”. This was a significant amount of work from all parties and I love how quickly and beautifully it came together. Hats off to Jason Hibbets and the folks at Red Hat that helped put this together. To discuss attracting talent I brough in a fantastic recruiter to bounce questions off of; Ken M. Middleton. I met Ken during my job search last year. He’s a pretty awesome person and one of the only recruiters I can legitimately recommend for DevOps folks. ...

May 16, 2018 · Chris Short

DevOps 101

This talk has been deprecated and remains for reference Abstract With the need to build, test and release software more rapidly, frequently and reliably the concept of DevOps has never been more popular, and to a degree, more misunderstood. DevOps skills are consistently highly sought after and in huge demand, yet at the same time little education and training is available in both the professional world and in higher education. ...

February 28, 2018 · Chris Short