code-server, Caddy, Tailscale, and Hugo = My ultimate dev environment

I think I’ve discovered my development environment equivalent to nirvana. code-server fronted by Caddy on a box with Tailscale installed. I maintain a lot of Hugo websites. Hugo has been my go-to content management system (CMS) since discovering it in 2017 (I got my first Hugo site at GopherCon 2017). I’ve lost count of the number of domains I own (a common nerd problem). But, I know I have a handful of websites I update regularly....

July 2, 2022 · 9 min · Chris Short

From git submodule to Hugo Modules using Netlify

If you have a problem and think git submodules might help it, you've now given yourself 99 more problems — Jason DeTiberus (@detiber) September 25, 2021 Git submodules are cumbersome to manage. In my opinion, git submodules are a sort of anti-pattern for Hugo (I know many themes suggest using git submodules). There’s a better way to manage your Hugo site’s theme: Hugo Modules. Suppose you have a Hugo site and use a theme that supports Hugo Modules....

September 27, 2021 · 2 min · Chris Short