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GitOps: An implementation of DevOps

This post does not reflect the views of OpenGitOps or the GitOps Working Group. These are my opinions from years of experience in DevOps and in working with GitOps. I realized the other day; I talk a lot about GitOps in my newsletter, DevOps’ish. But I haven’t written much at all about it here or anywhere else. There’s a reason for that. But now is time to put some words on this site about GitOps and how I view it in relation to DevOps. ...

December 6, 2021 · Chris Short
Photo courtesy [**Elissa Shevinsky**](

DevOpsDays Atlanta 2018: DevOps is Not War

I went to DevOpsDays Atlanta for the first time this week. I hadn’t been in Atlanta in a very long time. It sure has changed a ton. Originally, I was going to help run the SJ Technologies booth. But, a speaker had to back out at the last minute and I was asked to fill the spot. I was working on a talk for ChefConf so I quickly finished that up and gave it to the good folks at DevOpsDays Atlanta. ...

April 19, 2018 · Chris Short