Shipping containers piled high

Container Conundrum: DevOpsDays Chicago 2022 Open Space Notes

I found a topic that I’m going to suggest for an Open Space at every DevOpsDays I go to from this point forward: “Container Conundrum: Pain points around containers” These notes are presented here without opinion. Distilling these notes into a concise narrative will be the topic for an introduction to an upcoming DevOps’ish newsletter. Please subscribe today! I think the best way to look at these notes is to assume that each bullet point is a pain point. ...

October 8, 2022 · Chris Short

Content is King

Let’s face it, information rules the Information Superhighway we call the Internet. If it weren’t for worthwhile information, formulated opinions, and reviews the Internet would not be as popular as it is today. For all intents and purposes in terms of web site design, search engine optimization, and search engine promotion, information is the equivalent to content. There is good content and then there is bad content. Bad content, in my opinion, is content that serves no purpose, has no goal, and doesn’t inform anyone reading it about any general or specific topic. Bad content exists to entice search engines to produce results that favor the web site that contains the bad content as opposed to enticing web surfers to read the content. Good content serves a purpose, has a goal, and is worth the time it takes to read it. The Internet, web sites, web surfers, web developers, and search engine optimizers and promoters should all be focused on creating good content that benefits everyone. ...

June 8, 2003 · Chris Short