Shipping containers piled high

Container Conundrum: DevOpsDays Chicago 2022 Open Space Notes

I found a topic that I’m going to suggest for an Open Space at every DevOpsDays I go to from this point forward: “Container Conundrum: Pain points around containers” These notes are presented here without opinion. Distilling these notes into a concise narrative will be the topic for an introduction to an upcoming DevOps’ish newsletter. Please subscribe today! I think the best way to look at these notes is to assume that each bullet point is a pain point. ...

October 8, 2022 · Chris Short

Talking Operators with Rob Zehicle on L8ist Sh9y Podcast

L8ist Sh9y Podcast · Chris Short from Red Hat talks Operators and Kubernetes On May 2nd, I joined my friends over at L8ist Sh9y Podcast as Rob Zehicle was trying to wrap his mind around Kubernetes Operators. I’ve created the transcript so folks can read it if they desire. ...

June 15, 2020 · Chris Short