Shipping containers piled high

Container Conundrum: DevOpsDays Chicago 2022 Open Space Notes

I found a topic that I’m going to suggest for an Open Space at every DevOpsDays I go to from this point forward: “Container Conundrum: Pain points around containers” These notes are presented here without opinion. Distilling these notes into a concise narrative will be the topic for an introduction to an upcoming DevOps’ish newsletter. Please subscribe today! I think the best way to look at these notes is to assume that each bullet point is a pain point....

October 8, 2022 · 3 min · Chris Short

The AWS bill heard around the world

Summary Here’s a summary in case you just got a scary AWS bill: I received an AWS bill for $2,700, which was much higher than expected. I traced the high bill to a 13GB disk image that he had stored in an S3 bucket and exposed through a CDN. The CDN was trying and failing to cache the disk image, which was causing high bandwidth utilization. I contacted AWS support, and they were able to waive the bill....

July 26, 2020 · 10 min · Chris Short

2019 Learnings, 2020 Expectations

A former co-worker and now friend has a tagline, “Every day is a school day.” I remind myself of this fact almost every time I learn something new. 2019 was the hardest year of my life. I’d like to share some things I picked up on this most recent journey around the sun we call 2019. I’ll make some predictions about 2020 in the process too. Kubernetes Last year, I said I thought Kubernetes would get easier....

January 1, 2020 · 16 min · Chris Short

Use The Force, Larry: Oracle Playing Politics with Nation's Defense

This article is based on the introduction to DevOps’ish on 2019-07-28. Some parts are duplicated but this is a much deeper dive than I could do in the newsletter (and these 1500 words barely do the topic justice). Also, yes, I work for Red Hat. No, these views do not represent theirs. Please take a moment to read my disclaimer. Above all things, I’m an American, and this issue trancends business....

July 29, 2019 · 8 min · Chris Short
Photos Courtesy of [Derek Weeks](

DevNationFederal 2018: DevOps is Not War

Red Hat invited me to speak at DevNationFederal. The organizers requested I present my DevOps is Not War talk to technologists in the Washington DC area. This crowd is a group of folks that are at varying points in their DevOps journeys. Many folks from government agencies and systems integrators were present. I was able to sync up with one of my Airmen from my time at Pope Air Force Base....

June 7, 2018 · 2 min · Chris Short