There are a lot of ways to get started with Kubernetes. But, I’ve long said there are two paths to getting started with Kubernetes: maintaining Kubernetes or consuming Kubernetes. They’re distinctly different but, you have to understand consuming Kubernetes before maintaining Kubernetes, in my opinion.

Either way, as surprising as it may sound, I feel like these illustrated children’s guides are a good step towards understanding Kubernetes.

From the original The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes blog post:

Meet Phippy–the intrepid little PHP app–and her journey to Kubernetes. What better way to talk to your parents, friends, and co-workers about this Kubernetes thing you keep going on about, than a little story time. We give to you The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes, conceived of and narrated by our own Matt Butcher and lovingly illustrated by Bailey Beougher.

The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes

If you’re unable to few this embed, please open the Illustrated Children’s Guide PDF.

Phippy Goes to the Zoo

Follow the tale of Phippy and her niece Zee as they take an educational trip to the Kubernetes Zoo.

If you’re unable to few this embed, please open the Phippy Goes to the Zoo PDF.

Reading it to Max

When I first got a copy of The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes at an event in 2016 I knew what Kubernetes was and that it was going to be a big deal. But, I hadn’t quite grasp the understanding of all the various components. The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes helped me understand the basics of Kubernetes and where to dive in deeper. Also, it made my son, Max, giggle quite a bit when I read it to him.

Head over to for shenanigans with Phippy and Friends.

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