(Obvious answer: No)

Take a break from your normal DevOps and cloud native content for something, rather beautiful…

Yesterday, Julie, Max, and I took a fun little family trip over to Kensington Metropark (Kensington). This is part of Michigan’s Huron-Clinton Metropark system. Kensington itself is, “4,481 sprawling acres of wooded, hilly terrain surrounds[ing] beautiful Kent Lake”. It is a big park on the outskirts of the Detroit Metro area. The amount of outdoor activities you can do at this park is astounding and it’s a quick trip over to it.

Last week, Julie and Max discovered a trail where chipmunks and birds were eating nuts and seeds from people’s hands in Kensington. This was hard to believe initially, but there were videos and photos of a chipmunk running up to Max and climbing up on his shoe. Julie also found a pond full of hungry catfish near this trail. On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Michigan, we loaded up with two slices of bread for the fish and ten acorns for the birds and chipmunks.

Please see the Flickr album for videos and photos:

Kensington Metropark 2020-10-10