From git submodule to Hugo Modules using Netlify

If you have a problem and think git submodules might help it, you've now given yourself 99 more problems — Jason DeTiberus (@detiber) September 25, 2021 Git submodules are cumbersome to manage. In my opinion, git submodules are a sort of anti-pattern for Hugo (I know many themes suggest using git submodules). There’s a better way to manage your Hugo site’s theme: Hugo Modules. Suppose you have a Hugo site and use a theme that supports Hugo Modules....

September 27, 2021 · 2 min · Chris Short

Permanently Remove Any Record of a File From git

A co-worker and I needed to remove all instances of a binary blob from one of our git repos a while back. This was a lot harder than I thought it should have been, in my opinion. However, distributed version control is not really designed to easily allow folks to delete every instance of a file. But, if you ever run into a case where you do need to expunge a file in git here is how we did it....

June 25, 2016 · 1 min · Chris Short