What the Military Taught Me About DevOps - DevOpsDays Toronto 2018

Before DevOps was coined an entire branch of the US military was living by its core fundamentals. Visualizing work, flow, diversity, failing fast are all things that I practiced in the Air Force from 1999 to 2010. I’d like to share my lessons learned serving during this time. This talk will broaden people’s view of how DevOps can be implemented, why diversity matters in DevOps, and how fortunate we all are to have the problems we have today....

May 30, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short
Photo Courtesy of Kim McMahon

ChefConf 2018: DevOps is Not War

If you read DevOps’ish, you already know I spoke at ChefConf 2018. I was able to meet 1,400 new friends while I was in Chicago (not really but kinda). I presented my talk, DevOps is Not War to a standing room only audience. From a speaker’s perspective, I have never felt more prepared for a talk. There were speaker office hours every week for 10 weeks before the event to address any questions we may have had....

May 29, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short

DevOps is Not War - ChefConf 2018

Over the past 500 years, there have been 16 cases of a rising power threatening to displace a ruling power. 75% of those cases resulted in war. Although your organizational transformation probably won’t lead to war, it could be contentious. History can help prevent conflict when driving change. This talk will analyze human tendencies, historical data, and provide real-world examples of how to avoid conflict during your DevOps journey....

May 24, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short

DevOps Hiring Guide

The opensource.com DevOps Community and The Enterprisers Project teamed up to create the quintessential guide to hiring for DevOps talent. I contributed the Introduction and the article, “DevOps hiring strategies to attract top talent”. This was a significant amount of work from all parties and I love how quickly and beautifully it came together. Hats off to Jason Hibbets and the folks at Red Hat that helped put this together....

May 16, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short

Heaven is Not a Cloud — AWS Michigan

“Migrating to the cloud saves money!” “Not running your own infrastructure reduces your bottom line!” “Lift and shift is a legitimate first step towards moving to the cloud!” These are all potential pitfalls if you’re not careful. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Using a real chaotic cloud migration as a guide, we’ll walk through the pitfalls of cloud migrations and how to avoid vendor lock-in (when it makes sense)....

April 19, 2018 · 1 min · Chris Short