2021 Learnings, 2022 Expectations

Photo by Aaron Burden from Pexels It’s been one of the more challenging years of my life for many reasons. Please allow me the space to do some healing in this intro. I promise the juicy tech bits are a header away. If 2020 was hell on earth (which, while close, wasn’t quite there), 2021 asked us all to hold our collective beverages. Vaccines and boosters aside, the pandemic was a staunch obstacle to tackle along with every decision....

January 8, 2022 · 17 min · Chris Short
Open GitOps logo

GitOps: An implementation of DevOps

This post does not reflect the views of OpenGitOps or the GitOps Working Group. These are my opinions from years of experience in DevOps and in working with GitOps. I realized the other day; I talk a lot about GitOps in my newsletter, DevOps’ish. But I haven’t written much at all about it here or anywhere else. There’s a reason for that. But now is time to put some words on this site about GitOps and how I view it in relation to DevOps....

December 6, 2021 · 5 min · Chris Short

Joining Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service team

“Life is just a gap—get some money in between it.” —Lil Wayne I’ve always liked the color orange. Baptized as a child in chants of Orange and Blue between the student side and the alumni side of Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. It only makes sense that orange is one of the predominant colors of my new team’s logos. I’m happy to announce I’m joining the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service team as a Developer Advocate....

October 25, 2021 · 5 min · Chris Short

Having a status page forced Comcast to fix my internet

TL;DR: Comcast had a local area issue. I set up a status page for my house after many outages. The status page actively monitoring connectivity forced Comcast to look outside our home for a fix after several visits. Forced switch to Comcast Business The pandemic hit, and our lives became 100% “virtual” last year. As a family that “cut the cord” years ago and I’ve been working from home for quite some time, our internet consumption was pretty high....

October 5, 2021 · 6 min · Chris Short

From git submodule to Hugo Modules using Netlify

If you have a problem and think git submodules might help it, you've now given yourself 99 more problems — Jason DeTiberus (@detiber) September 25, 2021 Git submodules are cumbersome to manage. In my opinion, git submodules are a sort of anti-pattern for Hugo (I know many themes suggest using git submodules). There’s a better way to manage your Hugo site’s theme: Hugo Modules. Suppose you have a Hugo site and use a theme that supports Hugo Modules....

September 27, 2021 · 2 min · Chris Short