If you'd like to have me speak at your conference, Meetup, podcast, webinar, live stream, etc. please send me a message. Thank you!
Here's a current list of ready to go CFPs and/or abstracts that I can speak to at a moments notice.
If you'd like to have me speak at your conference, Meetup, podcast, webinar, live stream, etc. please send me a message. Thank you!
Here's a current list of ready to go CFPs and/or abstracts that I can speak to at a moments notice.
Abstract Burnout can happen at any point in everyone’s career. But, what happens when burnout is taking place amongst other things? Your s/o having a miscarriage? Veteran dealing with time in service and injuries from it? Becoming unemployed? Let’s discuss realizing you’re approaching or are burned out, the why behind that, and coping mechanisms. ...
Abstract There is a lack of actual accessibility to tech conferences. It goes further than mere curb cuts and wheelchair accessibility. When was the last time you saw someone in a wheelchair at a conference anyway? The large halls, crowds of people not used to accommodating the disabled, and often an immune system pushed to its limits keep otherwise able technologists away from conferences. Adding on the stresses of travel only exacerbates this issue. ...
Abstract GitOps is a prescriptive way of implementing DevOps. You will not succeed in using GitOps if you haven’t embraced some DevOps philosophies along the way. In this talk, we’ll look at the GitOps Principles and see how they align to existing or new DevOps/SRE functions. GitOps, being a wonderful implementation of DevOps functionality in cloud native environments and beyond, will enable organizations to prescriptively shift left, improve release velocity, and hopefully reap all the other benefits that higher performers in the State of DevOps reports see. ...
Abstract Cloud native technologies are increasingly used by organizations to provide a competitive advantage. Containers and Kubernetes jumpstart developer productivity but, they could increase security teams’ workloads. Threat vectors span cloud providers, control planes, developer tooling, and applications in environment hybrid environments. Use these technologies and cultures to improve security and reduce blast radius while improving velocity. This talk will analyze human tendencies and provide tips to improve security postures in cloud native environments. ...
If you'd like to have me speak at your conference, Meetup, podcast, webinar, live stream, etc. please send me a message. Thank you! Here's a current list of ready to go CFPs and/or abstracts that I can speak to at a moments notice. Learn how Ansible can help developers (or any systems savvy person) quickly ramp up to build Operators to automate and manage the life cycle of complex Kubernetes applications. ...